Congrats to all ClubFootball teams' performance in the Baidui Cup!
ClubFootball Juniors news
The Autumn Season has come to a close, and a great season was had by all ClubFootball teams involved!
CF is delighted to announce a new partnership with leading household removals company, Trans Dragon!
To ensure players get the best possible developmental experience, we have extended our Skills League programmes
Sessions run on Saturday afternoons and girls of all playing levels are welcome to come along and play.
Players aged 5 to 14 can register now for ClubFootball’s residential and non-residential camps in and outside Beijing.
Junior Community news
The British House, Beijing’s premium retail destination and ClubFootball are teaming up to……
Fantastic portrait of the indomitable Jurgen Klopp, is on sale now on the ClubFootball Culture Store on Taobao!
The ClubFootball Culture Store Kicks Off With Master Paul Trevillion!
Roundabout would like to thank ClubFootball members for their support for the Roundabout Backpack Drive charity activity!
Indulge yourself every Saturday on an “Afternoon out” at Yanqi Hotel managed by Kempinski’s Waterside restaurant.
The newest Learning Community at YCIS Beijing has a lot to offer Primary School students.